Dog Breeds Dogs

20 big fluffy dog breeds included characteristics and history

Big fluffy dog breeds
Table of Contents

    1. Bernese Mountain Dog

    Origins and Working Ability

    Big fluffy dog breeds The Bernese mountain dog breed was first found in the Alps of Switzerland. Their purpose was hard work, they were used as guard dogs, farming dogs, and pulling carts. However, the breed comes with a fluffy and thick coat. The dark coat helps them to manage the weather changes as well. The dog is strong and independent, with calm behavior. This quality makes them well-suited as guard dogs of livestock. With the passage of time, the gentle demeanor turns such hybrids into family dogs. Nowadays, the dog breed is commonly known as a family pet.

    2. Saint Bernard

    Origins and Working Ability

    The monk was the first to find the Saint Bernard in the Swiss Alps. The main purpose of having this breed was to rescue people stuck in heavy snowstorms. However, the breed is well-known for its large size and strength. The dog is able to find the people covered in snowstorms. This makes them save millions of lives. The large and thick coat keeps them warm in cold weather. The sharp instinct of this dog breed makes them sense the lost ones. Nowadays, the dog breed is known for search-and-rescue purposes. Now, the dog breed is also close to families and is no longer used as a rescue dog.

    3. Newfoundland

    Origins and Working Ability

    In Canada, Newfoundlander was first found on the island of Newfoundland. The main purpose of discovering this breed was to save people from drowning. Also, they were used by fishermen carrying wood and pulling nets. The dog breed comes with different qualities, such as a water-resistant coat and a thick and large size. That makes them excellent swimmers and lets them save drowning people. They are used as assistants for fishermen and other water tasks. Classy swimmers and quality helpers love the Newfoundlander in water as a rescue dog. By covering their outclass role, the dog has left a remarkable history. Still, the dog breed comes with a calm and gentle demeanor.

    4. Tibetan Mastiff

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Tibetan Mastiff was first found in Tibet. The purpose of such dog breeds was to guard. The dog breeds were used as guard livestock in bad, miserable conditions in Tibetan Mastiff. Therefore, a large, fluffy coat helps them to avoid the attacks of wolves or predators like bears. Also, the thick coat helps them manage harsh weather. They manage their temperature with ease with dark furs. Their strong body shape makes them guard dogs of livestock. In the nomadic region, the valuable instinct of Tibetan Mastiffs is appreciated. Nowadays, the breed is loyal and gentle and stands as a protective dog breed.

    Big fluffy dog breeds

    5. Alaskan Malamute

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Alaskan Malamute was first bred in Alaska by Inuit people. The basic purpose of finding this breed was to carry the loaded sleds. They used to cover the long distance with ease at freezing temperatures. However, the thick coat makes them suitable for every environment. Also, they hold a wide range of strength and stamina to carry weights. The dog breed keeps its primary instincts and is appreciated by Arctic explorers. The breed’s hardworking and patient nature forces them to pull sleds through deep snow. Nowadays, they are only treated as family pets by Alaskans. The breed has remarkable spirit because of their hardworking nature.

    6. Great Pyrenees

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Great Pyrenees was found in Spain and France. Originally bred in the mountains of the Pyrenees, the purpose of breeding was to guard the farms or domestic animals. However, the white and thick make them manage the bad weather in rugged mountains. The Great Pyrenees is a well-known protective dog that easily faces wolves and bears due to their large size. Families looking for guard dogs with gentle demeanor will meet the perfect blend in Great Pyrenees.

    7. Siberian Husky

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Siberian husky is well-known for their lavish looks. This dog breed was first found by the people of Siberia. The basic purpose of this breed was pulling sleds from frozen lands. Also, the dog is famous for its incredible stamina and teamwork. Therefore, the excellence is they form a strong bond with Chukchi people in bad weather. The thick double layer of the coat makes them stronger against frigid temperatures. Now, the breed is well-known as a family pet. With regular exercise and running, the breed is a perfect blend to maintain a quality life with families.

    Big fluffy dog breeds

    8. Samoyed

    Origins and Working Ability

    The people of Samoyedic first found the Samoyed. The people of Siberia need a dog that pulls sleds in hard conditions. However, the dog breeds were used to manage the work in winter seasons and snowy storms. The breed keeps friendly behavior and has strong stamina. Their fluffy coat layer makes them stand on the owner’s side. They maintain the winter’s tasks with ease and give relief to people. Samoyeds also have protective instincts used against predators. Primarily known as family pets, Samoyeds love outdoor activities.

    9. Irish Wolfhound

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Irish Wolfhound was first found in Ireland. The main purpose of breeding such a dog breed was for hunting in games. They were bred for large hunting, such as elk and wolves. However, their large size, strong body, and ability to kneel to large prey make them stand. Oh, the breed is appreciated because of power, devotion, and courage. The dog breed hunts at ease in most typical situations. Nowadays, the dog breed is no longer used for hunting purposes. These giants are much gentler and make strong bonds with families.

    10. Leonberger

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Leonberger was developed as a hard-working gundog. Firstly bred in Germany, the basic purpose was pulling carts. Also, the breeds were used as rescue dogs, like water rescue. The large size makes sure to carry heavy weight. On the other hand, a calm nature maintains strong bonding as a family pet. Leonbergers perform some other types of jobs, such as guarding personal property or farm dogs and setting up in urban areas. Nowadays, Leonbergers with quality working abilities make them preferable companions with families.

    Big fluffy dog breeds

    11. Chow Chow

    Origins and Working Ability

    In China, the Chow Chow was first bred. The basic purpose of forming this breed was pulling carts, hunting, and guardian dogs. However, the thick double layer of the coat makes them manage harsh climates. In China, the Chow Chow prize was based on which protective instincts they hold. Their independence makes them different. In ancient times, they were used as guards outside temples and homes. Nowadays, Chow Chows are used as family pets due to their loyalty and protective instincts.

    12. Pyrenean Shepherd

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Pyrenean Shepherd was first bred in the mountains of the Pyrenees. The dogs were so energetic and used to managing the group of sheep. They managed as shepherds in rough terrain. Therefore, the dog breed is very smart and intelligent. This helps them work long-lasting through average stamina. The small size makes sure of quality navigation, and they cover the narrow paths easily with such size. Nowadays, Pyrenean Shepherds are used as family pets and thrive to make strong bonds with kids.

    13. Caucasian Shepherd Dog

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Caucasian Shepherd dog was first bred in the mountains of the Caucasus. The basic purposes of hunting such dog breeds were to guard livestock and keep them from predators. They were used against bears and wolves. However, the large, fluffy, double-sized coat helps them survive in cold conditions. Also, this makes them manage the harsh climates. If we talk about qualities, the breed is loyal and courageous. Today, Caucasian Shepherds are still used as protective dogs and live happily with families.

    14. Akita

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Akita dog breed was first bred by Japanese people. The main purpose of such dog breeds was hunting and covering large games such as wild boars and bears. The Akita comes with natural strength and a powerful body. This quality makes them an adorable hunting breed. The breed also covers the instincts of natural guardians. The protective nature of this hybrid makes them excellent companions for families. Although Japan’s weather can be snowy sometimes, a double layer of coats makes them a perfect blend to manage the harsh seasons. The northern areas of Japan might be cold without a heavy coat, it’s hard to survive. With its protective and loyal nature, the breed has become an adorable companion for families.

    Big fluffy dog breeds

    15. Keeshond

    Origins and Working Ability

    In the Netherlands, the Keeshond was first bred. The people of the Netherlands need a dog as a farm guard and also for fishing purposes. The Keeshond covers their needs with excellent companionship on riverboats. The double-layered coat makes them suitable for every environment. The breed is sharp and always pays attention as a guard dog. In early eras, the breed was used as livestock guard dogs. Now, they have become worthy options for Dutch families. Watchdogs come with their natural instincts, and they became an ideal dog for families.

    16. Briard

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Briard was originally found in France. The main purpose of breeding this feed was herd sheep. Due to the intelligence and agility of the dog breed, they are compatible for managing the flocks of sheep. Humanity would be fully thankful for this breed due to their devotion in carrying messages and supplies during wartimes. The Briards are still used in herding flocks of sheep and are a perfect blend for active households.

    17. Maremma Sheepdog

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Maremma Sheepdog was originally found in Italy. The breed was generated for the hunting of wolves and bears. Also, they were used to guard livestock. The breed has naturally strong instincts, and the thick double layer of coat makes survival in harsh weather. The dog is an excellent guardian for livestock, cattle, and sheep. However, the Maremma sheepdogs are often left independent,t so they freely do their work. With adorable abilities, the dog breed has proven their capabilities as a protective dog.

    18. Shiloh Shepherd

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Shiloh Shepherd is a United States dog breed and was bred for hunting purposes. However, the breed comes with fluffier coats and covers somebody’s shapes with German Shepherds. The breed is well-known for their smartness, loyalty, and intelligence. The breed is ready to please and plays various roles at the same time. Additionally, the dog gives agility, and therapy works as well. Today, Shiloh Shepherds are used as family dogs and give a variety of services. The dog is standing as a family pet.

    19. Japanese Akita

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Japanese Akita was originally found in Japan. The role of such dog breed was hunting. The dog breed was used to hunt boars, bears, and wolves. The dog was high in strength and loyalty, which makes them extraordinary while hunting or as livestock guardians. The Akita’s double-layer coat makes them able to stand in bad weather. They survive with ease in northern areas during harsh seasons.

    20. Shetland Sheepdog

    Origins and Working Ability

    The Shetland sheepdog was first found in Scotland’s Shetland Islands. The basic purpose of having this breed was for livestock of herd sheep. However, the breed is well-known for their intelligence, smartness, and read-to-pleased nature. The double layer of coat helps the in bad condition of hard weathers. Despite the smaller size of a dog, the breed is energetic and ideal for covering rough areas of the Shetland Islands.

    Pros and Cons of Big Fluffy Dog Breeds

    Conclusion: Big fluffy dog breeds

    Those big fluffy dog breeds devoted their overall lives to the service of humanity. The lavish history of personal service, agility, and companionship is adorable for everyone. Whether it comes to retrieving games, pulling carts, terrain in rough areas, or other specific tasks. All the service has been given properly by them. Some people just see them as family pets, but those who know them ay feel devotion for their loyalty in fieldwork.


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